The unique and good name of this restaurant is actually attract the customers to eat here. And of course, the speciality of this restaurant is serving their food using 'Daun Pisang".
The most popular dish in this restaurant is Seafood Fried Rice with Daun Pisang. If you can see, all the dishes will be wrapped with daun pisang and it shows the unique of this restaurant. The aroma of Daun Pisang really appealing. And the portion is large and can eat for two people at the same time.
The review for this restaurant is the price is affordable which is nasi goreng seafood with daun pisang costs only RM 7.50.
Besides, there are also others menu in this restaurant like butter prawn, 'ikan bawal masak hitam', and more !! So grab the chance to go to this restaurant.
Operation Time : 6.00 pm until 12.00 am
Location : Taman Stulang Laut, Johor Bahru